Abbreviated PCL

We conducted an investigation to determine if a subset items from the PCL-5 could perform similarly to that of the full scale PCL-5. We found evidence for a 4- and 8-item version of the PCL. A copy of the measure can be downloaded below. A formula to convert a score on the 8-item version to that of the total scale is also included.

Abbreviated PCL Forms

Score converstion

Zoe Brier developed a formula to take a score on the PCL-5 8-item version and convert it to a comparable score on the PCL-5 total score (Brier et al., in press). The formula is as follows:

Total Score on PCL-5 = 2.15*B1 + 1.78*B4 + 1.79*C1 + 1.35*C2 + 3.03*D2 + 2.96*D5 + 2.88*E4 + 2.53*E5

The above formula will give you a score that is within 3-4 points of the total PCL-5 score.

Calculator function is coming soon!


Price, M., Szafranski, D. D., van Stolk-Cooke, K., & Gros, D. F. (2016). Investigation of an abbreviated 4 and 8 item version of the PTSD Checklist 5. Psychiatry Research, 239, 124-130. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.03.014

*A preprint of the above manuscript is available at the PsyArxiv (click here):